Base XP | 1x |
Shirt XP | +100% |
Legacy XP | +100% |
Spirit XP | +100% |
Heroic Dungeon XP | +100% |
Total XP | 1x - 5x |
- AI Companions
- Companions talk via ChatGPT
- Companion Commands and Settings
- Roaming Cities & World Companions
- Legacy Companions
- Class Logic
- Raid Logic
- Duel Logic
- Battleground Logic
- Battleground Auto-Queue
- License Progression System
- Consumables Sharing System
- Cross Faction PvE
- Account-wide flight paths
- Account-wide map exploration
- Auto Loot Pets
- Auto Fishing
- Legacy System
- Barber System
- Transmog System
- AuctionHouse Marketer System
- Reworked Spirit Stat
- Purchasable World Buffs
- Player Grouping-up Bonuses
- Leaderboards
- Heroic Dungeons
- PVP No Honor Decay
- Debuff Limit Removed
- Player Raid Progression
- New Quality of Life Items
- New Legendary Weapons
- Lore-friendly Custom Content
- Grey & Green Quests Award Full XP & Rep
Base Crafting Skillup | 1 |
Shirt Skillup | +4 |
Legacy Skillup | +5 |
Total Skillup | 1 - 10 |
- Account-wide recipes
- Max Professions: 12
- Eternal Consumables
Base Reputation | 1x |
Shirt Reputation | +100% |
Legacy Reputation | +100% |
Heroic Dungeon Reputation | +100% |
Player Group Bonus Reputation | +100% |
Total Reputation | 1x - 5x |
- Account-wide reputation
- Exalted Reputation Hiring Discounts
- Raid Tokens Reputation Boosts
Microbot - AI Companions to play at your own pace!
Companions are AI characters you can hire from an Innkeeper.
They can join your Group and perform the roles of Tank, Healer or DPS.
Using Advanced AI they can support your Solo, Duo or Group playstyles.
Fully scripted to help you run Quests, Dungeons, Raids or Battlegrounds.
You can Upgrade, Enhance and Specialize them to make them stronger.
They can have lore-friendly Interactions and Conversations with you through ChatGPT.
Cross Faction
Microbot WoW is a PVE server.
You can still fight the opposite faction when defending cities, battlegrounds and others.
You can group up and trade with players of the other faction.
Under some circumstances you can hire companions of the other faction.
Powered by ChatGPT
Have interesting conversations with your companions!
They can talk to you with the help of ChatGPT.
Each companion has their own personality and quirks!
They are context aware and will give you answers based on their current circumstances.
To have the best chance at using the companions you must learn how to control them.
When questing you can just let the companions assist you naturally.
For content that is challenging, learning how to use commands is important.
At character creation you are provided with a manual that explains the commands.
Using the Companions Control Panel is a good and easy way to use the commands.
Alternatively, you can create your own customized macros for precise control.
Populated Cities
AI companions can be found in the main cities.
As they go about their business you will sometimes see them talk to vendors.
You can hire them to join your group for a price.
Your dismissed companions will return to their racial city.
Class Logic
Based on top-rated guides, the companions have excellent class logic and rotations.
Even in raids, the AI rotations can parse as high as the best players.
The companions have a high degree of customizability through settings and commands.
They have full buffing logic including advanced logic to prioritize talented buffs.
Raid Logic
The companions have Advanced AI Logic to be able to handle raid fights.
All vanilla raids can be cleared with the help of the companions.
Players are accounted for in the AI Logic and can integrate with the companions.
Hire companions to fill in all the spots in your raid and enjoy beating vanilla in all of its glory!
Duel Logic
Hone your combat skills by dueling your companions.
Are you upset with how your companions are performing?
You can always use the duel feature to beat the snot out of them!
Battleground Logic
AI Skirmishers will automatically join battlegrounds when a player queues up.
They will leave the queue or existing matches to make room for players.
Skirmishers have simple logic but are capable of running and eventually winning matches.
There is no honor decay so players who are consistent can reach Rank 14.
Class Quality of Life
Companions can provide class specific quality of life.
Hunter arrows.
Mage portals, food and water.
Warlock summoning and healthstones.
Rogue open lockboxes, locked chests and doors.
Companions can interact with warlock portals, as well as altars like from Uldaman.
New lore-friendly quests and content.
Quests award full XP & reputation even when you outlevel them.
Use the Voice Over Addon to immerse yourself in the universe and its lore.
With the help of the companions you can fully explore all the world and its story.
Upgrade Companions
After Lv.60 upgrade your companions by acquiring licenses from clearing raids.
Licenses can be obtained by trading in the tokens that drop from the final boss in each raid.
Before Lv.60 companions can be upgraded by finding better gear in dungeons.
Player Raid Progression
Unlock access to raids by upgrading your license.
To upgrade your license you must defeat the final boss in each raid enough times.
The order of progression is Molten Core -> Blackwing Lair -> AQ40 -> Naxxramas.
This ensures that the content stays relevant and these raids are always in demand.
Debuff Limit Removed
The debuff limit was removed in order to allow every class to utilize their kit.
You no longer have to sacrifice your rotation or waste time on a tedius aspect.
The minor increase in damage is balanced by the difficulty of controlling companions.
This allows for more raid compositions, diversity and strategies to be viable.
World Buffs
The quests for obtaining world buffs are repeatable, such as turning in Onyxia's Head.
Alternatively, the world buffs can be purchased for gold with a 2 hours cooldown.
To be eligible for purchasing the buffs you must meet certain criteria and license tier.
Dire Maul and Songflower buffs are now stackable scrolls you can use at your discretion.
Reworked the spirit stat to give additional bonuses.
Increased XP from defeating monsters.
Increased movement speed in spirit form.
Decreased resurrection sickness duration.
These bonuses can be turned on or off by talking to a Spirit Healer.
Heroic Dungeons
If you are looking for a challenge then consider running dungeons in heroic mode.
For an increase in difficulty you get double XP and twice as much loot!
Set the difficulty before entering the dungeon and you're good to go!
Player Group Bonus
Grouping up with other players instead of companions rewards you with several bonuses.
You don't split XP or gold with other players, only with companions.
You get bonus loot and reputation for having more players in your group.
Every player can loot the raid and dungeon tokens.
Having more players might reward you with a bonus token.
Even though our project is about companions, we value our community just as much.
Lead By Example
When you use consumables your companions will do so as well.
They have an equivalency list to determine what to use based on your example.
What they will follow your example on are:
Enchants and Temporary Enchants
Consumables from Alchemy and Cooking
Bombs from Engineering
For consumables, when you use one they will gain a charge. A charge is lost when they die.
So long as they have at least one charge they will keep reusing those consumables.
Eternals are consumables that are not expended upon use.
They are similar to existing recipes from alchemy, enginnering, cooking and others.
To compensate for being reusable they have a long cooldown.
You can learn an eternal recipe with a very low chance by crafting the regular versions.
Eternal Wisdoms are items you can obtain that will teach you a random eternal recipe.
Build your legacy with each character you level up on your account.
Receive bonuses to XP, reputation, crafting, discounts and more!
Sync your flight paths with your other characters.
Sync your map exploration and exploration XP.
Easily customizable to tailor it to your needs!
Legacy Companions
For the Lv.60 characters on your account you can hire a companion based on them.
They will share your character's skills, spells, talents and gear.
You can only have one legacy companion per Lv.60 character.
Account-wide Reputation
All your characters of the same faction on your account will have the same reputation.
You start at Neutral with all factions.
You need to become Friendly with the other main cities to hire companions of that race.
Once you are Exalted with a city, companions of that race will have a hiring discount.
Account-wide Recipes
You can learn all 12 professions.
Every recipe that you learn will be shared with your other characters on that account.
Shared recipes will become available once you reach the skill level for that recipe.
Eternal recipes are also shared, so you only have to obtain them once per account.
Auto Loot Pets
The auto loot pets can take care of the tedious job of looting.
A single auto loot pet can manage looting for your entire group.
They are primarily obtained from Players Only content.
Petopia is an obtainable item that can turn any regular pet into an auto loot pet.
Auto Fishing
Fishing is now the relaxing activity it was always meant to be!
Sit back, relax and let your character fish for you automatically!
Watch out for your bag space, those Groupers can do a number on it!
Participate in the monthly leaderboards to win prizes.
Big Spender rewards players who spend the most gold on hiring companions.
Player-Only Runs rewards the groups with the fastest dungeons clears.
Rewards are given automatically at the start of the next month.
The Marketer is a greedy goblin who will buy your auctions for double the vendor price.
He will then flip your items for much higher prices to turn a quick profit.
For him to buy your items you must post them for 24h at double the vendor price.
The material goods he is selling change in price dynamically based on demand.
You can change the appearance of your gear by visiting the transmog NPC.
Their location is the mage tower in either Stormwind or Orgrimmar.
Using their service costs gold depending on the value of the item.
You can fully customize the appearance of your character by visiting the barber.
The location of the barber is at the guild master's house in Stormwind and Orgrimmar.
You can save appearance presets to make it easier to switch between your favorite looks.
Your companions can be customized and renamed and you can make presets for them too.
Black Market Goods
The Black Market Trader is the perfect place to acquire rare or unique goods.
Buy things like Invisible Shoulders Illusion or rare consumables.
Griznak can also help increase your reputation in exchange for raid tokens.
He can (usually) be found in Booty Bay at the tailor.
New Beginnings
New Beginnings doubles the amount of XP you receive.
You can obtain it from a quest from the tailor in the main cities.
It can be obtained at any level but it's meant for alts.
Savant doubles the amount of crafting XP you receive.
You can obtain it by progressing the Lead By Example crafting quest line.
You need a high level character to obtain it so it's meant for alts.
Silvertongue doubles the amount of reputation you receive.
You can obtain it by completing a quest for Mr. Deathicus in Azshara.
You need a high level character to obtain it so it's meant for alts.
Paragon Maestro
Paragon Maestro is a combination between New Beginnings, Savant and Silvertongue.
It gives the bonuses of those three shirts in addition to a hiring discount for companions.
You can obtain it by completing a quest line that starts from Kadi in Tanaris.
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
Thunderfury is a legendary weapon with a 2 stage upgrade.
Stage 1 helps tanks have a reliable taunt.
Stage 2 provides a movement speed effect for both tanks and dps.
Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros
Sulfuras is a legendary weapon with a 2 stage upgrade.
Stage 1a provides a reliable chain damage effect.
Stage 1b delivers a magical damage increase through the first stage effect.
Stage 2 helps the user sustain himself by recovering a portion of the fire damage dealt.
Ashbringer the Redeemed
Ashbringer is a paladin legendary weapon.
It provides a mix of might and magic bonuses to incentivise build diversity.
Apart from the single target damage, it promotes a more active support playstyle.
Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian
Atiesh is a shaman legendary weapon.
It aims to resolve the shaman's mana issues and boost the damage through their totems.
The aura buff also contributes to their group utility.
Anathema, Harbinger of Shadows
Benediction, Bringer of Light
Anathema is a shadow priest legendary weapon with a 3 stage upgrade.
The intention is to make the priest better at aoe and increase group utility.
Stage 1 increases the aoe potential by allowing Mind Flay to chain.
Stage 2 allows for dot spreading with the help of Mind Flay.
Stage 3 provides group utility with mana regen by creating a synergy between the stages.
Benediction is a discipline priest legendary weapon with a 3 stage upgrade.
The intention is to empower the discpline priest's damage and group utility.
Stage 1 increases the holy damage taken by the target from all sources and classes.
Paladins in particular will find the Holy Breach debuff to be quite good for them.
Stage 2 allows for the Holy Breach debuff to be spread easily and reliably.
Stage 3 synergizes with the damage increase to now provide a portion of that as healing.
Rhok'delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers
Rhok'delar is a hunter legendary weapon with a 3 stage upgrade.
The intention is to give hunter pets the support they need to be effective.
Stage 1 reduced the pet's incoming aoe damage to allow them to surive in raids.
Stage 2 heals the pet as a portion of the hunter's damage to further sustain the pet.
Stage 3 shifts the threat from the hunter to the pet.
This can either facilitate a pet tank build or simply allow the hunter to do more dps.
Eldendrassil, Sprig of the Moonlit Glade
Eldendrassil is a druid legendary weapon with a 3 stage upgrade designed for casters.
Stage 1 addresses their mana issues by restoring a small percentage on offensive spell crits.
Stage 2 provides a damage increase to everyone dealing nature or arcane damage.
This should make moonkins more desirable in groups.
Stage 3 addresses their lack of aoe by spreading damage to multiple enemies.
Umbrathil, Blade of the Black Empire
Umbrathil is a rogue and cat druid legendary weapon with a 3 stage upgrade.
Stage 1 provides as quality of life improvement for preserving combo points.
The intention is to put more emphasis on combo points and synergies with them.
Stage 2 improves the combo point generation in preparation for the final stage.
Stage 3 culminates in a QoL for rogues but a damage increase for cat druids.
Dragonspine, Maul of the Dragonslayer
Dragonspine is a shaman tank legendary weapon with a 3 stage upgrade.
Stage 1 upgrades Earth Shock into a reliable taunt.
The intention is to allow the shaman to become a reliable dungeon tank and raid off-tank.
Stage 2 aims to solve the issue of aoe threat and mana regen at the same time.
Stage 3 fortifies the shaman's threat generation and opens up build diversity.
By clicking Register you agree to the following rules of the server:
- Rule 1. Be positive and helpful to other players.
- Rule 2. Be respectful to the staff.
- Rule 3. Jokes about mental disorders will result in a ban.
- Rule 4. Racism or discrimination will result in a ban.
- Rule 5. Hacking, botting or gold trading for real money will result in a ban.
- Rule 6. Avoid religious and political discussions.
Restore Password
Change Password
1. Create an Account by visiting the Registration page.
2. Download the Client (5GB) from the provided link in the Server Information section. The server supports the client version: 1.12.1 (5875).
3. (Optional) We highly recommend that you also download the Companions Control Panel Addon to make it easier for you to control the Companions. Should you choose not to download the Addon the Companions can also be controlled by chat commands, manually.
4. In the Client’s main folder, open with notepad and replace all text with:
set realmlist
(Limited to show 49 player - Online players: 55)
Name | Race | Class | Level |
Dorfies | 60 | ||
Mekitmeksens | 60 | ||
Imoen | 60 | ||
Truegrit | 60 | ||
Discoboots | 60 | ||
Ashkuton | 60 | ||
Ragdoll | 60 | ||
Apria | 60 | ||
Zahd | 60 | ||
Distia | 60 | ||
Eclipse | 60 | ||
Golmac | 60 | ||
Vesta | 60 | ||
Aaron | 60 | ||
Helldom | 60 | ||
Apris | 58 | ||
Exeralus | 56 | ||
Soman | 56 | ||
Fariz | 56 | ||
Doman | 56 | ||
Yanal | 56 | ||
Holina | 56 | ||
Gawain | 55 | ||
Square | 53 | ||
Nazo | 53 | ||
Wicked | 53 | ||
Arahadord | 52 | ||
Naderheal | 51 | ||
Akipriest | 50 | ||
Nashii | 47 | ||
Datedawarlok | 46 | ||
Stabetha | 44 | ||
Synapse | 43 | ||
Tieran | 42 | ||
Felinae | 42 | ||
Blazen | 38 | ||
Guldukat | 33 | ||
Thickness | 33 | ||
Athrakha | 32 | ||
Toetems | 32 | ||
Falcryn | 32 | ||
Icyfrost | 25 | ||
Flamefire | 25 | ||
Sarbear | 24 | ||
Disgraced | 23 | ||
Celes | 21 | ||
Leriqite | 18 | ||
Dilya | 14 | ||
Hunteroo | 14 |
Leaderboard: Big Spender - January Contenders
# | Name | Race | Class | Dungeon License | Raid License | Companions Hired | Gold Spent | |
1 | Ragdoll | T5D | T5R | 547 | 2898 21 99 | |||
2 | Trity | T5D | T5R | 305 | 1613 62 24 | |||
3 | Quickz | T1D | T4R | 320 | 1444 46 8 | |||
4 | Deniskofix | T5D | T4R | 294 | 1337 47 67 | |||
5 | Canavar | None | T3R | 255 | 1044 5 | |||
6 | Lemonade | None | T2R | 230 | 892 1 71 | |||
7 | Bankleather | None | T5R | 191 | 819 89 16 | |||
8 | Roguette | T1D | T3R | 289 | 803 41 57 | |||
9 | Bruiseweed | None | T4R | 136 | 712 19 85 | |||
10 | Florias | None | T4R | 102 | 676 74 70 | |||
11 | Lucie | None | T2R | 341 | 676 45 33 | |||
12 | Sic | T1D | T4R | 178 | 659 52 49 | |||
13 | Nosferatu | None | T4R | 128 | 653 87 50 | |||
14 | Jemba | T5D | T2R | 172 | 652 9 34 | |||
15 | Vesta | None | T3R | 236 | 598 12 15 | |||
16 | Thelin | None | T4R | 133 | 582 8 88 | |||
17 | Lilliana | T3D | T5R | 106 | 562 17 99 | |||
18 | Bene | T5D | T5R | 84 | 541 64 78 | |||
19 | Monier | T2D | T5R | 109 | 532 37 23 | |||
20 | Florian | None | T5R | 74 | 522 45 60 |
Leaderboard: Big Spender - Previous Winners
# | Name | Race | Class | Dungeon License | Raid License | Companions Hired | Gold Spent | Tokens |
1 | Ono | None | T5R | 804 | 4230 62 64 | 10 | ||
2 | Floria | T5D | T5R | 453 | 2400 23 17 | 9 | ||
3 | Sic | T1D | T4R | 542 | 2393 23 22 | 8 | ||
4 | Clashing | None | T4R | 581 | 1869 9 35 | 7 | ||
5 | Ragb | None | T4R | 219 | 1857 91 24 | 6 | ||
6 | Ragdoll | T5D | T5R | 458 | 1522 10 61 | 5 | ||
7 | Deniskofix | T5D | T4R | 322 | 1261 3 76 | 4 | ||
8 | Bankleather | None | T5R | 269 | 1075 50 21 | 3 | ||
9 | Nosferatu | None | T4R | 305 | 924 66 51 | 2 | ||
10 | Stevey | T4D | T2R | 359 | 833 52 64 | 1 |
Alliance City Protectors
Name | Race | Class | Dungeon License | Raid License | Title | CP |
Krut | T4D | T1R | Thane of Ironforge | 47344 | ||
Banka | T5D | T2R | Protector of Stormwind | 50860 | ||
Aelzon | None | T5R | Avenger of Gnomeregan | 21307 | ||
Yugen | None | T5R | High Sentinel of Darnassus | 95780 |
Horde City Protectors
Name | Race | Class | Dungeon License | Raid License | Title | CP |
Vran | None | T5R | Chieftain of Thunderbluff | 76437 | ||
Osvald | None | T5R | Deathlord of the Undercity | 84883 | ||
Suzan | T3D | T2R | Overlord of Orgrimmar | 188893 | ||
Jemba | T5D | T2R | Voodoo Boss of Sen'jin | 341538 |
Alliance Standings
Name | Race | Class | Rank | Contribution | Standing |
Yugen | Rank 10 | 95780 | 1 | ||
Banka | Rank 9 | 50860 | 2 | ||
Krut | Rank 4 | 47344 | 3 | ||
Thope | Rank 8 | 41928 | 4 | ||
Haanit | Rank 14 | 31560 | 5 | ||
Hakuu | Rank 10 | 30663 | 6 | ||
Bludshields | Rank 3 | 28982 | 7 | ||
Grimrune | Rank 6 | 21766 | 8 | ||
Aelzon | Rank 7 | 21307 | 9 | ||
Lemons | Rank 3 | 21282 | 10 | ||
Swagsolo | Rank 3 | 19665 | 11 | ||
Berries | Rank 2 | 19519 | 12 | ||
Kerise | Rank 2 | 18242 | 13 | ||
Magdalena | Rank 2 | 16758 | 14 | ||
Primed | Rank 2 | 16643 | 15 | ||
Shaunus | Rank 2 | 15768 | 16 | ||
Zendurin | Rank 4 | 15206 | 17 | ||
Kick | Rank 14 | 13671 | 18 | ||
Imoen | Rank 2 | 13010 | 19 | ||
Keimaru | Rank 2 | 12501 | 20 | ||
Stevey | Rank 7 | 12208 | 21 | ||
Volroth | Rank 4 | 11950 | 22 | ||
Apria | Rank 2 | 10899 | 23 | ||
Stabe | Rank 2 | 10290 | 24 | ||
Slamdayraz | Rank 2 | 9832 | 25 | ||
Xertle | Rank 2 | 9685 | 26 | ||
Tortellini | Rank 2 | 9535 | 27 | ||
Neogigas | Rank 2 | 8921 | 28 | ||
Poppet | Rank 1 | 7609 | 29 | ||
Thuni | Rank 1 | 7342 | 30 | ||
Auraforcer | Rank 1 | 7068 | 31 | ||
Hick | Rank 1 | 6088 | 32 | ||
Farfalle | Rank 1 | 5798 | 33 | ||
Zimran | Rank 2 | 5146 | 34 | ||
Adorelle | Rank 5 | 4724 | 35 | ||
Healledger | Rank 1 | 3934 | 36 | ||
Captntoast | Rank 1 | 3775 | 37 | ||
Widow | Rank 1 | 2908 | 38 | ||
Gnomage | Rank 3 | 2252 | 39 | ||
Drudus | Rank 2 | 2056 | 40 | ||
Lumie | Rank 1 | 1937 | 41 | ||
Trity | Rank 2 | 1557 | 42 | ||
Dinkelberg | Rank 1 | 1338 | 43 | ||
Festival | Rank 1 | 1288 | 44 | ||
Stabs | Rank 1 | 659 | 45 | ||
Eyfir | Rank 3 | 564 | 46 | ||
Xantos | Rank 5 | 424 | 47 | ||
Taiya | Rank 1 | 388 | 48 | ||
Longs | Rank 1 | 144 | 49 |
Horde Standings
Name | Race | Class | Rank | Contribution | Standing |
Jemba | Rank 9 | 341538 | 1 | ||
Suzan | Rank 6 | 188893 | 2 | ||
Osvald | Rank 5 | 84883 | 3 | ||
Nosferatu | Rank 8 | 82599 | 4 | ||
Origin | Rank 11 | 79094 | 5 | ||
Danro | Rank 3 | 79067 | 6 | ||
Vran | Rank 13 | 76437 | 7 | ||
Redbaron | Rank 5 | 71230 | 8 | ||
Akidruid | Rank 2 | 32353 | 9 | ||
Lmt | Rank 2 | 25129 | 10 | ||
Kremrolia | Rank 4 | 24756 | 11 | ||
Kunning | Rank 2 | 24212 | 12 | ||
Bituka | Rank 3 | 19561 | 13 | ||
Skellie | Rank 2 | 15183 | 14 | ||
Scyllia | Rank 2 | 14003 | 15 | ||
Miftyhunter | Rank 2 | 12821 | 16 | ||
Bene | Rank 6 | 10410 | 17 | ||
Suku | Rank 2 | 10203 | 18 | ||
Bondo | Rank 1 | 8532 | 19 | ||
Urgala | Rank 3 | 7580 | 20 | ||
Kelin | Rank 1 | 6211 | 21 | ||
Mooshib | Rank 1 | 5473 | 22 | ||
Esmeray | Rank 1 | 5463 | 23 | ||
Sibel | Rank 3 | 4236 | 24 | ||
Amethyst | Rank 1 | 2489 | 25 | ||
Puffyrogue | Rank 1 | 1823 | 26 | ||
Korshar | Rank 14 | 1701 | 27 | ||
Boingey | Rank 1 | 1259 | 28 | ||
Bovindicus | Rank 1 | 773 | 29 | ||
Roguette | Rank 2 | 483 | 30 | ||
Bonespur | Rank 2 | 145 | 31 | ||
Op | Rank 3 | 118 | 32 |
Top Playtime Rankings
Name | Race | Class | Level | Played Time |
Umesalor | 60 | 158:19:36 | ||
Aeric | 60 | 147:12:23 | ||
Eclipse | 60 | 100:14:26 | ||
Dorfies | 60 | 96:23:51 | ||
Barnette | 60 | 92:9:39 | ||
Shtibz | 60 | 88:2:8 | ||
Kadi | 60 | 87:20:21 | ||
Vyrael | 60 | 87:1:57 | ||
Gwennegan | 60 | 82:4:47 | ||
Tillen | 60 | 80:14:57 | ||
Paminen | 60 | 80:1:36 | ||
Duney | 60 | 79:20:38 | ||
Wubbaduckie | 60 | 79:9:56 | ||
Geta | 60 | 76:10:38 | ||
Tilleguhi | 60 | 76:6:48 | ||
Tillavabu | 60 | 76:3:37 | ||
Tillakewa | 60 | 75:21:34 | ||
Tillocafa | 60 | 75:21:0 | ||
Tillozini | 60 | 75:11:51 | ||
Likwit | 60 | 75:0:51 | ||
Eyelem | 60 | 74:23:25 | ||
Asmr | 60 | 73:13:27 | ||
Ketblek | 60 | 70:18:50 | ||
Shaylara | 60 | 67:0:48 | ||
Kailee | 60 | 65:16:18 | ||
Holymana | 60 | 64:14:31 | ||
Redraven | 60 | 62:10:47 | ||
Autumnrain | 60 | 61:23:14 | ||
Beatme | 60 | 60:22:49 | ||
Zimm | 60 | 60:17:59 | ||
Hakoo | 60 | 60:12:16 | ||
Gutz | 60 | 60:11:11 | ||
Ting | 60 | 58:22:9 | ||
Bigdaddy | 60 | 57:23:41 | ||
Jaderoamer | 60 | 57:13:42 | ||
Me | 60 | 56:19:47 | ||
Magmag | 60 | 54:20:45 | ||
Debora | 60 | 53:17:37 | ||
Thaythay | 60 | 53:8:1 | ||
Madnan | 60 | 52:8:28 | ||
Aurea | 60 | 51:18:37 | ||
Ace | 60 | 50:21:7 | ||
Luzza | 60 | 50:0:2 | ||
Jacob | 60 | 48:22:16 | ||
Roma | 60 | 48:11:59 | ||
Awizkid | 60 | 47:7:18 | ||
Drega | 60 | 46:8:6 | ||
Bwizkid | 60 | 46:1:7 | ||
Moerel | 60 | 46:0:39 | ||
Cwizkid | 60 | 45:22:25 |
Companion Commands
The easiest way to control the AI Companions would be to use our Companions Control Panel Addon.
This will give you access to their most important commands without the need for macros or remembering their chat commands. You can also assign a keybind for the Addon to quickly open or close the interface. To do so: open up the game menu, select Key Bindings and scroll down to the Companions Control Panel section where you can assign a keybind of your choosing.
The CPP Addon allows you to quickly customize and add Companions to your group, change their roles and strategies, setup Crowd Control and Focus Marks for the Companions to prioritize, and easily access their commands for movement, attack and object usage.
You can quickly download the Addon by using the link in the upper right hand side of the page, or by joining our Discord server and checking the #announcements channel.
Commands List
Any command directed at the Companions must contain the prefix .z followed by the desired command and/or arguments.
By typing .z in game chat you will be given a list of all of the available commands.
.z add [class][role][race][gender]
This is the main way to add a Companion if you want full customization over them. The only mandatory arugment here is [class].
The other arguments can be specified or can be left blank, in which case you will get something randomized for that argument.
.z add warrior tank human male -> A new Companion of Class Warrior, Role Tank, Race Human and Gender Male will be added.
.z add warrior -> A new Companion of Class Warrior, Role Random, Race Random and Gender Random will be added.
.z add warrior tequila sunrise on a beach somewhere -> A new Companion of Class Warrior, Role Random, Race Random and Gender Random will be added.
.z add tequila sunrise on a beach somewhere -> Syntax Eror, no Companion will be added.
.z add [role]
Alternatively, a quicker way is to add directly by [role], which will give you a Companion of the specified Role but everything else is Random.
.z add tank -> A new Companion of Role Tank, Class Random, Race Random and Gender Random will be added.
.z clone
Another way to add Companions is by cloning, which will duplicate a target Player of your level or lower.
.z remove
If you wish to remove Companions from your group there are 3 methods. Either by using this command or, more commonly, by kicking them out of the group, or by leaving the group yourself.
.z set [role]
This command sets the role of a targeted Companion to whatever you pass as argument.
This is useful for changing the rotation and strategy of Companions with multiple specs. For example, you can change a Druid from Bear tanking into a healer, though be warned that nothing else changes, only their strategy.
.z set healer -> Targeted Companion will be set as a Healer and will try to heal the group, instead of whatever else they were doing before.
.z come [role/class] (not)
If you don't pass an argument then all Companions will come to your location. By passing a role or class argument you can specificy whom should come to you.
Additionally, you can use a second argument: not to exclude the specified first argument.
If you target a Companion then only that Companion will come, irrespective of your arguments. If you don't have a target selected then all Companions matching the arguments will be affected.
When using the Addon not is represented by a checkbox next to the [role/class] selector.
When the box is unchecked that means not is in effect.
.z come tank -> All Companions with the role Tank will come to your location.
.z come tank not -> All Companions except Tanks will come to your location.
.z come mage -> All Companions with the class Mage will come to your location.
.z come mage not -> All Companions who are not Mages will come to your location.
.z stay [role/class] (not)
This command makes the Companions hold their current position. The arguments work in the same way as with .z come.
.z comestay [role/class] (not)
A combination of .z come and .z stay.
First, the Companions will come to your location and then they will stay. This command is very useful for a lot of different situations such as corner pulling, getting the Companions past mobs they might otherwise aggro, or just generally making sure they're not sitting where they're not supposed to.
.z move [role/class] (not)
If you have made your Companions stay then you have 2 options to get them moving again, either with .z come or this command.
.z pull [duration, default 10 seconds]
This command has 2 effects. First, it pauses all DPS Companions in the group by the given duration, default is 10 seconds. Secondly, it sends in the Tank Companions to attack. Healers are unaffected.
Very useful if your Tank Companion is struggling with holding aggro, which is usually the case in end game dungeons when they need more time to establish threat.
.z aoe
It forces the Companions to use AoE spells if they are in range of the selected target. Useful for situations where they would otherwise not use AoE, such as for killing the gate rats in Stratholme because they don't consider critters as valid targets for AoE.
.z start
It will send the Companions to attack a selected target.
.z stop
It will cause all Companions to stop attacking.
.z pause [duration, default 300 seconds]
It will pause the targeted Companion for the specified duration, default 300 seconds. Paused means they won't do anything at all, completely frozen.
Useful in case you want your Companions to stay out of your way for a while.
.z unpause
It will unpause the targeted Companion.
.z ccmark [raidmark]
The default CC Mark is Moon. This command changes it to something else that you specify. You can either change it for individuals or all the Companions at once based on whether or not you have one selected.
.z focusmark [raidmark]
The default is Cross for Tanks, Star for Healers and Skull for DPS. Be aware that focus marks causes Companions to focus solely on the target who has the mark.
.z toggle [helm/cloak]
To help you customize your Companions further, this command allows you to hide or show their helm or cloak.
If you use it without arguments then both the helm and cloak will be toggled, for individuals or whole group depending on the target selection.